Surprise your business with a modern user interface for the applications they have been using for years. Using the
LWW framework for CICS ™ you can easily exchange the old "green screens" with modern webpages or mobile apps on the devices of your customers choice. No technical changes are needed for your trusted legacy applications.
Access your mainframe data directly from your browser or mobile device
Storing your business critical data on a very high available platform seems a very good idea. But when you can only access your data through a very complex infrastructure you quickly lose the advantage. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link. Using the LWW framework for CICS ™ you can benefit from all the security and availability options when you open up your data to the world wide web.
Reduce complexity in your infrastructure
There is no need to add additional servers to your infrastructure and rewrite any application functionality. With the LWW framework for CICS ™ you just use the trusted functionality you have been using for years without introducing any new infrastructure complexity.
Modernize your application landscape
The LWW framework for CICS ™ opens a whole new playground for designing and developing business functionalities on the mainframe. Your applications can directly benefit from all open source web frameworks. At the same time you are running your critical business applications on the most secure and efficient platform. You can take advantage of all the high availability and high volume processing solutions the mainframe has to offer.
Be ready for the future
Using the LWW framework for CICS ™ you are ready for the future. Using the LWW framework for CICS ™ enables you to give your applications a modern look and feel, reduce complexity in your infrastructure and modernize your application landscape. And by doing so you will be able to create your own secure and high available private cloud on system Z to access your precious business data.